Saturday, 8 August 2015

Promenading in Chester

Gorgeous sunny day today and Js first day off work so we decided to postpone our jobs and go for a wander by Chesters river.

Number 2 son was off out with his girlfriend and number 1 son decided to join us.

Ice cream by the river.... you just can't beat a Mr Whippy 😉

The park was full of families of all ages. Seeing the various stages of relationships taking what they needed from the ambience was quite nostalgic. The kids, the teens, young lovers, young parents, people like me and then grandparents.

It's funny how I have never considered these stages until today.

My advice to anyone reading this is to recognise each stage and love it for what it is.


If you are kind enough to read my post please leave a comment they make my day!