Sunday 1 January 2012

Lets Get Back to Normal

I am glad 2011 has gone, what a horrid year thats been, not just for me but for those I care about too!

Once I have kicked off this germ I am going to start my diet again and now my pain is under control I will be running again too.

I am considering entering a 5k road race in Llandudno on 7th April, just to give me something to focus on. I find I work better when I have something to aim for. Also, apparently you get and Easter egg when you cross the line so I can't think of a better incentive.

I am feeling alot more positive the last day or so, I have several things to look forward to and to aim for.

I have also accepted that its going to take some time to get the "old" me back and maybe I will never ever be that size 8 again but who cares? Its only a number, I just want to be fit and healthy again and I will do it!

Apart from the bugs Joe and I had, Christmas has been good. Very strange but good.

1 comment:

  1. yep, always have a plan and a focus. look forward to hearing about your training for the run.
    I am going to get back into 'fit' again. gained 5 lbs in 2011 - vertually impossible to take off so I am in 'damage control' mode.
    hugs from Brasil.


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