Friday 16 October 2015

Into the Darkness then Out the Other End all in a Day

Within the last 24 hours I have been the lowest I have ever been in decades.

I confess to having had the darkest thoughts ever to the point of even starting to organise my stuff.....

I posted a poem this morning trying to describe how I feel and it was pretty dark.

I continued with my day which consisted of Cola and dog walking. Being around animals and nature is medicine for my soul and it didn't disappoint today.

I normally shy away from human company when I feel low and today was no exception. However, while walking number 2 dog.... I came across a guy I have known ever since I have lived in this village. We used to train at the same gym and passed each other on our running sessions. We have always exchanged niceties but not had a proper conversation until today. 

Out of the blue he crossed over and invited himself on our walk. We talked in a very matter of fact kind of way and he introduced the subject of God and how He makes us stronger. I wont go into the detail of the conversation but when we parted company I felt as though I had been lifted spiritually.

The day went on and my jobs were done. 

I had the choice of riding Cola or not. I felt low so I decided not but out of the blue took myself to Broughton for a Costa hot chocolate.

I sat on my own and tried to keep myself to myself avoiding eye contact but this little old lady kept catching my eye. 

She instigated a conversation about coffee and how hot hers was. The barista came over and replaced it with a cooler version and some extra milk "just in case". The conversation went on until in the end I took myself over to her table and we sat talking about life in general.

She was 90 years old and still independent, full of life and her faculties, she was a joy to be with. Her spirit was infectious. She is fighting lung cancer but still lives life to the full. She gave me advice and good will. As we parted she told me her name was Eve.

Sometimes, if we open our hearts Earth Angels cross our parts and hold our hands until we can walk independantly.

Today, two such Earth Angels held my hand on two seperate occasions and while I am treading cautiously I am in a much better place than I was this morning.

Thank you God.


  1. Two very lovely people. Glad you are in a bit better place. Xxxx

  2. Hi Sara, I was reading my old blogs and you used to comment a lot, and I really enjoyed reading them. In 2010, I started writing my books, and on Facebook. I miss the blogging community.
    How are you?


If you are kind enough to read my post please leave a comment they make my day!