Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Colds Aaaaachooooo

This weekend I was struck by the first cold in ages.

Gosh it completely floored me! Friday night I didn't think I would survive but after an early night and a hot toddy I managed to come around enough to get to Wing Training Day.

Sunday I was aching and sweating then Monday it settled on my chest.

Thankfully my dear oh looked after me and today apart from a cough and a splutter I have my energy back.

Let's hope I don't get more of them!

Monday, 14 September 2015

Keep on keeping on

I never thought that I would ever say this but I am starting to accept the new me. The weird sensations of repairing tissue is easing as is the pain.

Time is indeed a healer.

One thing that is taking longer to get over is the tiredness and the way I don't seem to bounce back from illness as before.

I am feeling anxious about life in general too and that's not very pleasant.

The things that help with everything I am going through is keeping a positive mind set. Never ever make an excuse why you can't. ... a reason is acceptable as is a compromise but never an excuse!

The cadets. I love being a civilian instructor. To mix with an amazing set of young adults and to be a part of helping them to shape their future.

My horse. Yes he is my Guardian Angel. We live parallel lives and we give to each other unconditionally and from the heart.

My family. Without them I wouldn't be the person I am today.  They give me direction and purpose.

My faith.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring be it good or bad. I don't even know why I am here or why I have been spared but I do know that 3 cancers in 6 years = pretty shitty but I am alive and my heart is still beating.

Never give up on life. Just keep on keeping on.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Dip Dip Drop

I seem to have hit the wall.

I have been running in flight mode this year with little time to think about things. Living life on auto pilot as it were.

Now it's just caught up with me and I am facing what has happened and processing it all.

There are times when I want to run. Other times my heart races and I panic.

The fact that I am experiencing these emotions is very positive because it means that I am addressing them in order to move on and move on I will.